Relevant Education Will Bridge the Gap...
In the late 1880’s, a young female physician was given her first job, to care for children, from the slums of Italy, that had been cast aside as “uneducable.” This assignment was considered an insult because“no one wanted a woman physician.” She and the children were outcasts, together.
With nothing more than basic provisions of food and shelter, she began to recognize the potential of these children. Through her careful observationsand respect for the human spirit, she was able to reach and teach these young children. They went on to outperform their “normal” peers on the country’s standardized testing!
That young woman went on to be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She proved that education can transcend all “barriers” to learning, including poverty, learning disabilities, and apathy.That woman was Maria Montessori. She went on to test and refine her philosophies and methods for more than 50 years. Her work can be summarized into four simple principles that comprise “Complete Human Education” (CHE):
- Provide Structure.
- Celebrate Originality.
- Build on natural Aptitudes.
and above all…
- Make it Relevant! was created as the central source for exploring ideas, concepts, and solutions that respect the relevance of individuals and their needed skills in the real-world. supports educational initiatives based on Maria Montessori’s principles of Complete Human Education, which have been proven for more than 100 years and verified by more than ten years of neuro-science research.
When education is relevant to the brain biology of the learner, it is effective and empowering.
When education is relevant to the learners’ life experiences, it is motivating and inspiring.
When education is relevant to the real-world needs of the learner, it is valuable and valued.
When education is relevant to the natural talents, interests, and aptitudes of the learner, it is innovative and magical!
When education is relevant, everyone benefits: students, educators, parents, and employers!
The future of our children and our children’s children depends on our ability to humanize The System, to create a space where unique interests and abilities are harmoniously blended with real-world skills. Relevant was created as the central source for exploring ideas, concepts, and solutions that respect the relevance of individuals and the real-world. To learn more about us, click here.